MIMO 2024
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Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy contains information on the collection, use, storage, processing and protection of personal data of users and visitors to the Mimo Festival website, with the purpose of demonstrating absolute transparency on the subject and clarifying to all interested parties about the types of data that is collected, the reasons for collection and how users can manage or delete their personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all users and visitors to the Mimo Festival website and integrates the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Mimo Festival website application, duly registered with the NIPC under nº 513.513.965, located at Rua by Miguel Bombarda, 589/3ESQ – 4050-383, Porto, Portugal, hereinafter referred to as Memories and Heritage Artes. This document was prepared in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law 13,709/18), the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12,965/14) (and EU Regulation No. 2016/6790). Furthermore, the document may be updated as a result of possible regulatory updates, which is why the user is invited to periodically consult this section.



The user's and visitor's personal data is collected by the website's platform in the following way: (Ask multiple choice questions with other options) when the user creates an account or registers on the platform. This data is basic identification, such as: e-mail, full name, city of residence and/or profession. From them, we can identify the user and visitor, in addition to ensuring greater security and well-being for their needs. Users and visitors are aware that their profile on the platform will be accessible to all other users and visitors to the website platform. When a user and visitor accesses OR pages on the website, information about interaction and access is collected by the company to ensure a better experience for the user and visitor. This data can deal with the keywords used in a search, the sharing of a specific document, comments, page views, profiles, the URL from which the user and visitor come, the browser they use and their access IPs, among others that can be stored and retained. Through a third party: the website platform receives data from third parties, when a user logs in with their profile from one of these websites, for use in purchasing products from the MIMO store. The use of this data is previously authorized by users with the third party in question.



The personal data of the user and visitor collected are as follows: (Ask multiple choice question with other options) Data for creating the account/profile on the website platform (example: email, full name, city of residence and profession). Data for browsing optimization (example: access to pages, keywords used in the search, recommendations, comments, interaction with other profiles and users, profiles followed, IP address). Data to complete transactions: data relating to payment and transactions, such as credit card number and other information about the card, in addition to payments made. Newsletter: the email registered by the visitor who chooses to subscribe to the Newsletter will be collected and stored until the user requests to unsubscribe. Sensitive data: the platform may collect the following sensitive user data (example: ethnic or racial origin, political opinion, religious conviction, genetic data, health data, sexual orientation). Data related to contracts: upon formalization of the purchase and sale or service provision contract between the platform and the user and visitor, data relating to contractual execution may be collected and stored, including communications carried out between the company and the user.



(Perform multiple choice question with others) The personal data of the user and visitor collected and stored by the website platform has the following purposes: Well-being of the user and visitor: improving the product and/or service offered, facilitating, speeding up and fulfilling the commitments established between the user and the company, improve the user experience and provide specific functionalities depending on the user's basic characteristics. Platform improvements: understand how users use platform services, to help with business and technical development. Ads: Present personalized ads to the user based on the data provided. Commercial: the data is used to personalize the content offered and generate subsidies for the platform to improve the quality of the services. User profile prediction: automated processing of personal data to evaluate usage on the platform. Registration data: to allow user access to certain content on the platform, exclusive to registered users and contract data: to provide the parties with legal security and facilitate the conclusion of the deal. Others The processing of personal data for purposes not provided for in this Privacy Policy will only occur with prior communication to the user, so that the rights and obligations set out herein remain applicable.



The user's and visitor's personal data are stored by the platform for the period necessary to provide the service or fulfill the purposes set out in this document, in accordance with the provisions of item I of article 15 of Law 13,709/18. Data may be removed or anonymized at the user's request, except in cases where the law provides other treatment. Furthermore, users' personal data may only be kept after the end of their processing in the following cases provided for in article 16 of the aforementioned law: I - compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the controller; II - study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data; III - transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this Law are respected; IV - exclusive use by the controller, access by third parties is prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized.



The platform undertakes to apply technical and organizational measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination of such data. Credit card data is encrypted using "secure socket layer" (SSL) technology, which guarantees secure and confidential data transmission, so that data transmission between the server and the user occurs in an encrypted and encrypted. The platform is not exempt from liability for the exclusive fault of third parties, as in the case of a hacker or cracker attack, or the exclusive fault of the user, as in the case in which he himself transfers his data to third parties. The website undertakes to inform the user in the event of any breach of security of their personal data. Personal data stored is treated confidentially, within legal limits. However, we may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service.



User data is only shared with data relating to publications made by the user, such actions are shared publicly with other users. The user's profile data is shared publicly in search systems and within the platform, and the user is allowed to modify this configuration so that their profile does not appear in the search results of such tools.



Personal data cannot (not) be shared (with third parties) (with the following (natural) (legal) persons: _________, NIF/NIPC _________. (If the data can be shared) The indicated third parties receive the data to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the contracted services. About third-party service providers such as payment transaction processors, we inform you that each one has its own privacy policy. Therefore, we recommend reading their privacy policies to understand what information. personal data will be used by these providers. (If transferred to other countries) Providers may be located or have facilities located in different countries. Under these conditions, the personal data transferred may be subject to the laws of jurisdictions in which the service provider or its facilities. are located. By accessing our services and providing your information, you are consenting to the processing, transfer and storage of this information in other countries. When you are redirected to a third-party application or website, you will no longer be governed by this Privacy Policy or our platform's Terms of Service. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements.



Cookies refer to text files sent by the platform to the user's and visitor's computer and stored there, with information related to navigation on the website. Such information is related to access data such as location and time of access and is stored by the user's and visitor's browser so that the platform server can read it later to personalize the platform's services. The user and visitor to the website platform acknowledges and accepts that a browsing data collection system can be used through the use of cookies. The persistent cookie remains on the user's and visitor's hard drive after the browser is closed and will be used by the browser on subsequent visits to the website. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your browser's instructions. The session cookie is temporary and disappears after the browser is closed. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies, but some platform features may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.



By using the services and providing personal information on the platform, the user is consenting to this Privacy Policy. The user, when registering, expresses knowledge and can exercise his rights to cancel his registration, access and update his personal data and guarantees the veracity of the information made available by him. The user has the right to withdraw their consent at any time, to do so they must contact us via email at mimo@mimofestival.com or by post sent to the following address: Rua de Miguel Bombarda, 589/3ESQ, 4050-383, Porto, Portugal.



We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, so it is recommended that the user and visitor review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after they are published on the platform. When changes are made, users will be notified. By using the service or providing personal information after any modifications, the user and visitor demonstrates their agreement with the new rules. In the event of a merger or sale of the platform to another company, user data may be transferred to the new owners so that the services offered can continue.



To resolve disputes arising from this instrument, Portuguese law will be fully applied. Any disputes must be presented in the court of the district where the company's headquarters are located, in the city of Porto.